Congratulations to CREDDS team member, Irene Beyerlein (UCSB), on her election to the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) for “methodologies predicting the mechanics of complex engineering materials to improve their stability and strength.”
CREDDS students attend NNSA’s 2024 Stewardship Science Academic Programs Symposium
CREDDS students showcased their research at NNSA’s 2024 Stewardship Science Academic Programs Symposium.
(Left to right): Andrew Shortridge (UConn), Jasdeep Singh (TAMU), Phillip Tsurkan (UConn), and Charles Bornstein (TAMU).
NNSA highlights research by CREDDS members, Michael Demkowicz, Ankit Srivastava, and Ta Duong
The December 2023 issue of “Stewardship Science Today,” published by the NNSA’s Office of Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E), highlighted research by CREDDS faculty, Michael Demkowicz and Ankit Srivastava, and CREDDS PhD student, Ta Duong. The work, published in Nature, reports autonomous healing of nano-scale fatigue cracks during fatigue loading.
CREDDS student wins best poster award at NNSA’s 2023 Stewardship Science Academic Programs symposium
Wes Higgins (TAMU) was recognized for his presentation, titled “Investigating the Strain Rate Dependence of Hardness of Cu/Mo Nanolaminate Films Using Conventional and High Strain Rate Nanoindentation Methods.” Congratulations!
The Materials Research Society highlights CREDDS at its fall 2022 and spring 2023 conferences
CREDDS-sponsored undergraduate summer researcher wins outstanding presentation award
Victor Villanueva (U. of Virginia), an undergraduate summer researcher supported by CREDDS, won an outstanding presentation award from the 2022 online REU (O-REU) program at Texas A&M University for his presentation titled “Quantitative Metallographic Analysis using Machine Learning.”
CREDDS supports summer internships for eleven undergraduate students
CREDDS sponsored internships for eleven undergraduate students in the summer of 2022. Two of them carried out on-site research at Texas A&M University (TAMU) through the Undergraduate Summer Research Grant (USRG) program: Wendy Storms and Kyle Johnson (both from TAMU). Six participated in the online REU (O-REU) program at TAMU: Grant Blankenbeckler (NC State), Nathan LaVoie (U. of Idaho), John Mwungeli (TAMU), Tom Ralph (TAMU), Victor Villanueva (UVA), and Nathan Youmans (Oral Roberts U.). Three U. of Michigan undergraduates worked directly with CREDDS faculty at Michigan: Alexandra Dewy and Jeffrey Tschihart with A. Misra and Michael Stryk with J. Gordon.
CREDDS PhD student wins early career presenter award at the APS conference on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter
CREDDS PhD student, Lauren Poole (UC Santa Barbara), won the early career presenter award at the 2022 Shock Compression of Condensed Matter conference organized by the American Physical Society (APS) in Anaheim, CA. Congratulations!
CREDDS center scientific advisory committee (CSAC) meeting held on June 14, 2022
CREDDS held is 2022 center scientific advisory committee (CSAC) meeting in College Station, TX, on June 14, 2022. We are grateful to our CSAC members: Ellen Cerreta (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Mukul Kumar (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Brad Boyce (Sandia National Laboratory), Don Brenner (North Carolina State University), and Pradeep Guduru (Brown University).
CREDDS PhD students at NNSA labs in 2021/2022
During the 2021/2022 academic year, six CREDDS PhD students had extended internships at NNSA laboratories. Emmeline Sheu (TAMU) spent the entire year in residence at LANL working with Kevin Baldwin. Three CREDDS students—Liya Semenchenko (TAMU), Marco Echeveria (U. of Connecticut), and Lauren Poole (UCSB)—worked under the guidance of Saryu Fensin in the dynamic deformation group at LANL. Paul Christodoulou (UCSB) worked with Ricardo Lebensohn at LANL. Finally, Ta Duong (TAMU) will spend the summer of 2022 in residence at SNL working with Remi Dingreville.